Startup Name *
Founder Name *
Co-founder Name
Cell Phone *
Email *
City *
Startup Address
What problem are you solving?
Startup Business Idea? *
Industry —Please choose an option—AgricultureAnimation/GamingAutomationAviationClean WaterConstructionE-commerceEducationEnergyFoodHealthcareLogisticsManufacturingMedia/marketingSecurityShared economySocial NetworkingSoftwareTransport/mobilityTravel/TourismOther
Is your solution a product or a service? —Please choose an option—ProductService
Product stage (Idea/Market ready/Launched) *
Idea StageMarket ReadyLaunched
Have you generated revenue?If yes then mention amount.
Have you secured any grants or investments? If yes then mention amount.
What is your USP? How are you different from your competition?