Metric for Startups
Tax Diagnostic Clinic:
Metric is offering a Free Business Tax Diagnostic with our Head of Tax! This 30-minute one-on-one diagnostic will help you get an understanding of what tax compliances are applicable to your business, and at what point, so you and your company can remain anxiety-free and protected!
Our diagnostic begins by obtaining an understanding of your business’ legal status, industry, nature of business, turnover and profitability to evaluate the types of tax compliance applicable on your business. The evaluation by our Head of tax is shared with you to help you decide the level of compliance you want for your business.
Accounting Diagnostic Clinic:
Metric is offering a Free Business Accounting Diagnostic with our Head of Finance & Strategy! This 30-minute one-on-one diagnostic will help you get an understanding of what accounting practices you need to follow so systems are in place to help your business scale.
Our diagnostic begins by obtaining an understanding of your business’s current accounting system, turnover and profitability to evaluate the improvements needed to streamline it. The evaluation by our Head of Finance & Strategy will be shared with you to help you keep your accounting accurate and efficient.
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